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Sara Bruyere
Martha Camp
Lynda David, Longview News-Journal
Abby Eden, Personally Fit by Chris Hill
Evelyn Gor, Diagnostic Clinic
Ashley Green, Wholesale Supply
Chris Hill, Personally Fit
Niki Jackson, Tomberlain Insurance
Phyllis Jolley, Coldwell Banker
Lou Ann Joyce, Joyce Crane
Karman Loyd, Lollipops & Lace
Dionne Lott, Centurytel
Wendy McDonald, Longview Regional Medical Center - Cardiology
Mary Murdoch
Alicia Nolte, Cherry Hill
Christy O’Rear
Jean Reeves, Texas Bank & Trust
Beverly Rutland, Longview Regional Medical Center - Cath Lab
Alyce Sparks, Bacchus Imports
Millicent Stafford, Toyota of Longview
Bridgett Stone, Allie Laine Flowers
Judy Stiles
Gina Terry, Good Shepherd Medical Center
Cora Todd
Morgan Tomberlain, Tomberlain Insurance
Jennifer Ware, Good Shepherd Medical Center
Tracy Welborn, W.R. Welborn & Son
Jaime Witt, AstraZenaca
2009-2010 Go Red for Women Event Chairs Babette Tomberlain, Campaign and Luncheon Chair Jennifer Harris, Golf for Heart Chair Jennifer Jackson, Vino for Heart Chair Elaine Rainey, Tutus Boots & Boas Chair