Golden Triangle Heart Ball


We would like to thank the following generous donors who contributed in the 2009 Golden Triangle Heart Ball, allowing us to raise over $80,000. Without these leaders, we would be unable to look toward the future believing in a world free from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.


Linda & Joe Domino
In loving memory of our parents Jennie and Louis A. Lombardo, Sr. and Joseph Domino and in honor of Genevieve Domino

Regina Rogers
In honor of Linda & Joe Domino, a wonderful couple
and In loving memory of Julie & Ben Rogers

Sallye J. Keith

Sponsorship Opportunities

Heart disease and stroke are still the nation’s number one killers.  Your generosity lends continued support to research and educational programs sponsored by the American Heart Association.  This is a wonderful way to make a year-end deduction.  Your donation is not necessary until January, but we need your commitment now! 

Please contact the American Heart Association at
(409) 980-8800 about Sponsorship Opportunities. 



most recent donors

Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas
Quality Mat Company
Provost*Umphrey Law Firm, LLP
The Will Crenshaw Family

Renaissance Hospital Groves

CHRISTUS Hospital - St. Elizabeth
Regina Rogers

Air Comfort, Hunter Burch, LLP & Lilleton Group

Greg Thompson - Mediator